Member Code of Conduct
By coalescing the talents of our diverse members, Pleiades inspires relationships that empower the role of women in restoring balance to our lives, our communities, and the natural world. We are a community of sisters that welcomes all of our identities, origins, preferences, and backgrounds.
We agree to work towards every member feeling valued, seen, heard, held, embraced and honored in our community. The health and vitality of our community is foundational to our mission: to inspire, recognize and advance women’s leadership in creating a better world.
As members of the Pleiades community we agree to show up and hold each other accountable in the following ways and with the following values*:
Safety and Trust
Honesty and Integrity
Loving Kindness
Agreement not to silence each other
Commitment to Practice Deep Listening
Recognize and Celebrate each other's Genius
Vitality and Warmth; Generosity of spirit
Tenderness and Meeting each other where we are
Operating without assumptions
Support regardless of circumstance and/or life season
Embetterment through togetherness/ the collective
Barnraising principle: Generative Reciprocity with all types of resources
Holding Space and Allowing Space
Welcoming all parts and versions of ourselves
Non competitive; Non Judgemental; Non Condemning (of ourselves or others)
Acknowledging difficult conversations
Honoring the Shadows/Discomforts when they arise
Breaking Bread; Sharing the Hearth; Gathering; Conviviality
Honoring Intergenerational Power
We recognize that tension or issues may arise. We agree to address them with maturity, resourcefulness, and with the guidance of our Omsbudswoman Valerie Belanger as and when needed.