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Greener Plates for a Better World
Featured Speakers: Mark Bittman – NYT bestselling Author, Food Columnist, Food Policy Advocate, Kathleen Finlay – President, Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming, Tracy Pollan – Actress + Author, Moderator: Stefani Sassos – Registered Dietitian, Good Housekeeping
Mark, Kathleen, and Tracy shared their expertise and tips for creating a “greener” plate. Top suggestions included diversifying your plate, eating more locally grown food, cooking more at home, and eating a plant forward diet with less industrially-raised meat. The greatest resounding message, however, was the incredible power that consumers have as they “vote with their fork” for the kinds of foods they want to see grown, cultivated, and brought to market.
From Bats, to Fish, to Farming on Heritage Radio Network
Kathleen Finlay, the President of Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming, in New York’s Hudson Valley has been a leader in the regenerative agriculture movement for most of her career. Now, as the president of Glynwood she is in a position to connect food and farming changemakers from all across the country and the world. Living – and loving it! – on a beautiful little farm in the Hudson Valley, it’s fair to say that Kat has become a national figure in the world of progressive agricultural nonprofits. A personal aside, it was Kat who first got me into the world of recording people’s first-person food stories. We recorded at festivals, at farms, and even at the American Museum of Natural History in New York! It was a blast! That’s where I learned that truly, everyone has a food story.
Kathleen Finlay Discusses Regional Farming, COVID-19
Today on “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg,” Dani interviews Kathleen Finlay, President of the Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming. They discuss regional farming, community resilience, and the challenges COVID-19 poses to everyone in the supply chain, from farmers to restaurant workers.